Tuesday, November 16, 2010

This or that?

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Some 20 questions from meet me at mikes:

  1. Sweet or Savoury? Sweet!! Who can beat macaroons, tea, biscuits!
  2. Dresses or Jeans? Dresses. Anybody who knows me knows this. I'm feminine!
  3. House or Apartment? House please! A house is a home, and I think there is much more memories to be had in a house with your family instead of an apartment with yourself.
  4. Shop Online or Offline? Offline! Online is so virtual, you can't feel and try things on. It's so much more fake. Not that I don't shop online because I do and in some circumstances it's cheaper etc.
  5. DVDs or Downloads? I really don't know. I think DVDs are better simply because you're able to savor it with other people.
  6. Cocktails or Juice? Juice please, I don't drink alcohol.
  7. Chocolate or Strawberry? CHOCOLATE! Nothing beats the soothing taste of chocolate. And the feeling you get afterwards.
  8. Laptop or PC? Laptop because it's portable and less heavy. I can use it while in the hammock or on my desk.
  9. Magazines or Newspapers? Magazines... newspapers well... remind me too much of school.
  10. Facebook or Twitter? I don't use either regularly, so I wouldn't know. Neither are my type of thing.
  11. CDs or MP3s? Well, I'm a bit obsessed with my ipod so I would have to say MP3s.
  12. Kids or Pets? Ouch... I don't know. Both are gorgeous in their own way.
  13. Macaron or Cupcakes? Either! I'd probably say macaroons because they take more time and effort to make.
  14. Walk or Run? Walking! Running makes me puff and sweat.
  15. Breakfast in Bed or Breakfast Out? Breakfast in bed 'cause my windows let in the most beautiful light in the morning and I can't take my pussies out to restaurants. They'd freak and so would I.
  16. Market or Supermarket? Markets produce the best fruit and veges and you can meet people. So definitely markets.
  17. Sourdough or Grainy? I don't eat bread... I'm gluten free and their bread tends to taste weird. My friends also know that when I was on school camp I also had to eat one loaf for the whole week and carry it in my pack. And it rained, so by the end of the week it was just a ball of soggy crumbs. Ew.
  18. Heels or Flats? Well, heels look much more pretty, but flats feel better, and they can also look pretty. Plus, I can walk in them.
  19. Late nights or Not? Please, no late nights. Once I have just one, I feel lethargic for ages.
  20. Coffee or Tea? Tea please, although I'm getting used to very milky lates


Deer Little Fawn said...

Hi, I passed on the "One Lovely Blog" Award to you, over on my blog :)


Deer Little Fawn said...

Oh P.S. I thought I was already a follower, but it seems not, I have been reading your though! But now I'm an official follower! :)

K8 said...

Hey bells, yeah I remember the bread bag- not good you and Lu looked horribly miserable when we met at Base Camp. Good times( NOT)
Hope you had fun on your holiday!

Catch up soon?
xox K8

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