Some 20 questions from meet me at mikes:
- Sweet or Savoury? Sweet!! Who can beat macaroons, tea, biscuits!
- Dresses or Jeans? Dresses. Anybody who knows me knows this. I'm feminine!
- House or Apartment? House please! A house is a home, and I think there is much more memories to be had in a house with your family instead of an apartment with yourself.
- Shop Online or Offline? Offline! Online is so virtual, you can't feel and try things on. It's so much more fake. Not that I don't shop online because I do and in some circumstances it's cheaper etc.
- DVDs or Downloads? I really don't know. I think DVDs are better simply because you're able to savor it with other people.
- Cocktails or Juice? Juice please, I don't drink alcohol.
- Chocolate or Strawberry? CHOCOLATE! Nothing beats the soothing taste of chocolate. And the feeling you get afterwards.
- Laptop or PC? Laptop because it's portable and less heavy. I can use it while in the hammock or on my desk.
- Magazines or Newspapers? Magazines... newspapers well... remind me too much of school.
- Facebook or Twitter? I don't use either regularly, so I wouldn't know. Neither are my type of thing.
- CDs or MP3s? Well, I'm a bit obsessed with my ipod so I would have to say MP3s.
- Kids or Pets? Ouch... I don't know. Both are gorgeous in their own way.
- Macaron or Cupcakes? Either! I'd probably say macaroons because they take more time and effort to make.
- Walk or Run? Walking! Running makes me puff and sweat.
- Breakfast in Bed or Breakfast Out? Breakfast in bed 'cause my windows let in the most beautiful light in the morning and I can't take my pussies out to restaurants. They'd freak and so would I.
- Market or Supermarket? Markets produce the best fruit and veges and you can meet people. So definitely markets.
- Sourdough or Grainy? I don't eat bread... I'm gluten free and their bread tends to taste weird. My friends also know that when I was on school camp I also had to eat one loaf for the whole week and carry it in my pack. And it rained, so by the end of the week it was just a ball of soggy crumbs. Ew.
- Heels or Flats? Well, heels look much more pretty, but flats feel better, and they can also look pretty. Plus, I can walk in them.
- Late nights or Not? Please, no late nights. Once I have just one, I feel lethargic for ages.
- Coffee or Tea? Tea please, although I'm getting used to very milky lates
Hi, I passed on the "One Lovely Blog" Award to you, over on my blog :)
Oh P.S. I thought I was already a follower, but it seems not, I have been reading your though! But now I'm an official follower! :)
Hey bells, yeah I remember the bread bag- not good you and Lu looked horribly miserable when we met at Base Camp. Good times( NOT)
Hope you had fun on your holiday!
Catch up soon?
xox K8
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