I have been looking at my blog statistics today and thought it may be very interesting for you (as it was interesting for me) to see where my blog readers come from!

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The darker shading indicates higher levels of readers I believe:
As you can see, the majority of readers are from North America! That's amazing!
Those who are from North America please say hi! I want to know who you are! :)
I also have a few readers from Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea and Indonesia!
Please say hi as well and tell me where you're from! Perhaps we could get better acquainted!
I am also getting quite a few readers from, I think, England? Am I right? That's pretty amazing! You guys should say hi too!
So, please leave a comment and tell me where your from, say a little 'hi' and maybe I could visitor your blog if you have one!
xoxo Bella