Friday, February 18, 2011

I'm planning something BIG!

I can't say what it is just yet, but I am currently planning something very big for you and myself.
I wish I could just shout it out to the rest of the world, but I can't.
So, to keep you on your toes, here are some clues:
  1. my posts may be written by guest bloggers
  2. it will include craft projects
  3. it will be something BIGGER than you've ever seen here so far
  4. you will have to do a bit of work too!! (hehe!)
  5. but so will I
Can you have a random guess? Let's see how long it takes for me to prepare!
By the time it's published you will have probably forgotten it!
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THE "daily craft" project

So, I was thinking.
Maybe it would be a good idea to get my readers and perhaps even myself to do one craft project per day. No rewards from me, just happy smiles and a place in my flickr group.
To start off, I've made a little blog banner-y thing that I guess if your snazzy you could put up onto your blog...

To make this I used:
1. tape strips via
2. sequins also via
3. old fashioned picture frame via

All I ask you to do is sign up in the comments with your email (so that I can send you newsletters to my post just in case you don't have blogger), tell all your friends (joking! I mean... you still can...), and join my group on flickr so that you can post pictures of your completed projects! I aim to have some special guest writers on here from some of my favorite blogs (surprises for later!) so keep posted! (You can join and quit anytime)

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Thursday, February 17, 2011

colour files: black

original picture via
old fashioned frame via
original image via
old fashioned frame via
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Thursday, February 3, 2011

A day at school with the nerds

I walk into school pulling along a bag on wheels. I look down so that those around me can't recognize me and say "you're that girl with the cripple bag". Yeah, we make it a joke among our friends, but when you're the one with this bag you can be seen as someone different. Looking down makes my glasses slide down the bridge of my nose, so I automatically slide them up again with my finger... how nerdy!

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Book Review: The Understudy’s Revenge by Sophie Masson

Romance, comedy, murder and mystery are magically intertwined in this heart-wrenching novel. In the limited amount of 150 words or less, it is hard to describe the detailed weaving of multiple stories that the author, Sophie Masson, has used to write her novel. I am disappointed to admit that the beginning of the book dragged on for ages. It was like eating a flowery apple, you take your first bite and you‘re afraid it won’t get better. For the sake of this review, I read on. By the end of the seventh chapter, however, my heart started to flutter uneasily and my breath got stuck in my throat. It was getting too good to put down. I finished it that night. Please, for the sake of a hearty-lamb-roast-like novel, keep on reading until the plot hits you like a spine-crushing brick wall.

Rating: Awesome, BC Recommended for book club

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Letter Writers Alliance
